Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Daily Update - 14 February 2007

Today was uneventful. Masinja is resting pretty peacefully. His swelling has pretty much gone completely away. T.M.M. helped give him a sponge bath tonight, so that was a good bonding experience.

Madelinja has been having a not so great day. Her temper seems to be getting the best of her, and she's enjoying making the nurses a little crazy. She's calmed down though, so hopefully tonight will be quiet for her.

Finally, they weighed in today: Madelinja was 1lb 12.6ozs, and Masinja was 2lbs 5.3ozs. Our kids are porkers!

Not much else to report. Boring is good. We like boring.



Memo Story said...

I just saw the pics and it is good to see that they are slowly but surely growing!!! You guys are all in my thoughts and prayers... thanks for keeping us updated!

Amy H. said...

Does Madeline have any hair yet?, I bet you it will be RED to go along with the temper. Good Job Mason. And I love to see they are growing. Still praying for you, and love to all of you!